
Source Operations

All Source operations require the Sources permission.

sourcesGETList all Sources for an account
sourcesPOSTCreate (and deploy) a new Source
sources/:source_idGETRetrieve details for a single Source by source_id
sources/:source_idPATCHUpdates a single Source. Any changes impacting the deployment will automatically trigger a Source deploy. Changes that impact rendering will not take effect until the Source is finished deploying and you may need to purge any previously-rendered derivatives to serve images rendered with the new configurations.

Source Filters

FilterTypeSupported Source Types
deployment.typeStringAll. Possible values are azure, gcs, s3, webfolder, webproxy, s3_compatible
deployment.webfolder_base_urlStringWeb Folder

Source Sorts

  • date_deployed
  • enabled
  • name

Source Attributes

date_deployedIntegerNoUnix timestamp of when this Source was deployed.
deployment*ObjectYesSee Source Deployment tables below.
deployment_statusStringNoCurrent deployment status. Possible values are deploying, deployed, disabled, and deleted.
enabledBooleanYesWhether or not a Source is enabled and capable of serving traffic. Disabled Sources will serve a 410 Gone for non-cached assets.
name*StringYesSource display name. Does not impact how assets are served.
secure_url_tokenStringNoSigning token used for securing assets. Only present if deployment.secure_url_enabled is true.

*Required for Source creation

Source Deployment Attributes

Source Deployment: All Source Types

allows_uploadBooleanNoWhether Imgix has the right permissions for this Source to upload to Origin. Applicable only for azure, gcs, or s3 Source types. See Uploading Assets for more information.
annotationStringYesAny comment on the specific deployment. Defaults to “New deployment created for source by <user>
cache_ttl_behaviorStringYesPolicy to determine how the TTL on Imgix images is set. Accepted values: respect_origin, override_origin, enforce_minimum. Defaults to respect_origin. More on cache behavior here.
cache_ttl_errorIntegerYesTTL (in seconds) for any error image served when unable to fetch a file from Origin. Minimum value of 1, maxmum value of 31536000. Defaults to 300. More on cache behavior here.
cache_ttl_valueIntegerYesTTL (in seconds) used by whatever cache mode is set by cache_ttl_behavior. Minimum value of 1800, maximum value of 31536000. Defaults to 31536000. More on cache behavior here..
crossdomain_xml_enabledBooleanYesWhether this Source should serve a Cross-Domain Policy file if requested. More on Cross-Domain Policy files here. domains you want to use to access your images. Custom domains must be unique across all Sources and must be valid domains. Defaults to []. More on custom domains here.
default_paramsObjectYesParameters that should be set on all requests to this Source. Object keys are the params and object values are the param values. All keys/values must be valid Imgix params/values. Defaults to {}. More on default params here.
image_errorStringYesImage URL Imgix should serve instead when a request results in an error. Accepted values are valid absolute URLs. Defaults to null. More on error images here.
image_error_append_qsBooleanYesWhether Imgix should pass the parameters on the request that received an error to the URL described in image_error. Defaults to false. More on error images here.
image_missingStringYesImage URL Imgix should serve instead when a request results in a missing image. Accepted values are valid absolute URLs. Defaults to null. More on default images here.
image_missing_append_qsBooleanYesWhether Imgix should pass the parameters on the request that resulted in a missing image to the URL described in image_missing. Defaults to false. More on default images here.
imgix_subdomains*ListYesSubdomain you want to use on * to access your images. Domains must be unique across all Sources and must be valid subdomains. Because the is implicit, only the subdomain is accepted, e.g. if you want to use, you should only pass ["foo"]. At least one subdomain is required.
secure_url_enabledBooleanYesWhether requests must be signed with the secure_url_token to be considered valid. More on securing images here.
type*StringYesSource type. Accepted values: azure , gcs, s3, webfolder, webproxy, s3_compatible. More on Source types here. Note that if you update the Source type you will also need to provide the required parameters for that Source type.

*Required for Source creation

Source Deployment: Amazon S3-specific fields

s3_access_key*StringYesAccess Key ID.
s3_bucket*StringYesS3 bucket name.
s3_prefixStringYesThe folder prefix prepended to the image path before resolving the image in S3. Defaults to null.
s3_secret_key*StringYesS3 Secret Access Key. Note: Will not be returned on subsequent GET requests.
robots.txtStringYesRobots.txt behavior. Acceptable values: origin, allow-all, disallow-all

*Required for Source creation

Source Deployment: Google Cloud Storage-specific fields

gcs_access_key*StringYesGCS Access Key.
gcs_bucket*StringYesGCS bucket name.
gcs_prefixStringYesThe folder prefix prepended to the image path before resolving the image in GCS. Defaults to null.
gcs_secret_key*StringYesGCS Secret Access Key. Note: Will not be returned on subsequent GET requests.
robots.txtStringYesRobots.txt behavior. Acceptable values: origin, allow-all, disallow-all

*Required for Source creation

Source Deployment: Microsoft Azure-specific fields

azure_account*StringYesAzure storage account name.
azure_bucket*StringYesAzure storage container name.
azure_prefixStringYesThe folder prefix prepended to the image path before resolving the image in Azure. Defaults to null.
azure_sas_string*StringYesAzure Shared Access Signature String. Note: Will not be returned on subsequent GET requests.
azure_service_type*StringYesAzure storage type. Accepted values are blob or file.
robots.txtStringYesRobots.txt behavior. Acceptable values: origin, allow-all, disallow-all

*Required for Source creation

Source Deployment: Web Folder-specific fields

webfolder_base_url*StringYesThe protocol, host, and path information to prepend to the image path when retrieving from Origin (such as
usernameStringYesUsername used for sending Basic Auth headers to Origin. Output as Basic {base64encode(username:password)}. Can not contain : or any control characters
passwordStringYesPassword used for sending Basic Auth headers to Origin. Output as Basic {base64encode(username:password)}. Can not contain : or any control characters
password_encryptedStringNoEncrypted password value for Basic Auth headers. Sent in GET requests for Sources
request_handshakeStringYes32 latin-1 character string used for Custom Header Authentication Origin authentication.
request_handshake_encryptedStringNoEncrypted request_handshake value for Origin Authentication. Sent in GET requests for Sources
request_signing_keyStringYes32 latin-1 character string used for Per-Request Signing Origin authentication.
request_signing_key_encryptedStringNoEncrypted request_signing_key value for Origin Authentication. Sent in GET requests for Sources
robots.txtStringYesRobots.txt behavior. Acceptable values: origin, allow-all, disallow-all

*Required for Source creation

Source Deployment: S3 Compatible-specific fields

access_key_id*StringYesS3-Compatible Access Key
bucket_name*StringYesS3-Compatible Bucket Name
endpoint_url*StringYesThe digital location where the API receives specific requests for its server.
region*StringYesThe physical location where the data center is located.
secret_key*StringYesS3-Compatible Secret Access Key
storage_provider*StringYesThe name of your S3-Compatible storage provider. Accepted values are DigitalOcean, Linode, Wasabi.
robots.txtStringYesRobots.txt behavior. Acceptable values: origin, allow-all, disallow-all

*Required for Source creation

Source Deployment: Web Proxy-specific fields

usernameStringYesUsername used for sending Basic Auth headers to Origin. Output as Basic {base64encode(username:password)}. Cannot contain : or any control characters
passwordStringYesPassword used for sending Basic Auth headers to Origin. Output as Basic {base64encode(username:password)}. Cannot contain : or any control characters
password_encryptedStringNoEncrypted password value for Basic Auth headers. Sent in GET requests for Sources
request_handshakeStringYes32 latin-1 character string used for Custom Header Authentication Origin authentication.
request_handshake_encryptedStringNoEncrypted request_handshake value for Origin Authentication. Sent in GET requests for Sources
request_signing_keyStringYes32 latin-1 character string used for Per-Request Signing Origin authentication.
request_signing_key_encryptedStringNoEncrypted request_signing_key value for Origin Authentication. Sent in GET requests for Sources
robots.txtStringYesRobots.txt behavior. Acceptable values: allow-all, disallow-all

Source Examples

Creating a new S3 Source

# Request
POST /api/v1/sources
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "name": "example_test",
      "deployment": {
        "type": "s3",
        "s3_access_key": "$YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY",
        "s3_bucket": "$YOUR_S3_BUCKET",
        "s3_secret_key": "$YOUR_S3_SECRET_KEY",
        "imgix_subdomains": [
    "type": "sources"
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "date_deployed": 1666823606,
      "deployment": {
        "annotation": "New deployment created for source by imgix.",
        "cache_ttl_behavior": "respect_origin",
      "deployment_status": "deploying",
      "enabled": true,
      "name": "example_test"
    "id": "6359b5ba8147da20e8edfdd5",
    "type": "sources"
  "included": [],
  "jsonapi": {
    "version": "1.0"
  "meta": {

Updating your Source’s bucket configuration

# Request
PATCH /api/v1/sources/6359b5ba8147da20e8edfdd5
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "name": "example_source",
      "deployment": {
        "cache_ttl_value": 31536000,
        "s3_access_key": "$YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY",
        "s3_bucket": "$YOUR_S3_BUCKET",
        "s3_secret_key": "$YOUR_S3_SECRET_KEY",
    "id": "6359b5ba8147da20e8edfdd5",
    "type": "sources"
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "date_deployed": 1666822829,
      "deployment": {
        "annotation": "New deployment created for source by imgix.",
        "cache_ttl_behavior": "respect_origin",
    "id": "6359b5ba8147da20e8edfdd5",
    "type": "sources"
  "included": [],
  "jsonapi": {
    "version": "1.0"
  "meta": {

Creating a new S3 Compatible Source

# Request
POST api/v1/sources/source_id
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "name": "new_source_name",
            "deployment": {
                "type": "s3_compatible",
                "storage_provider": "$YOUR_STORAGE_PROVIDER",
                "access_key_id": "$YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
                "bucket_name": "$YOUR_BUCKET_NAME",
                "secret_key": "$YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
                "endpoint_url": "$YOUR_ENDPOINT_URL",
                "region": "$YOUR_REGION",
                "imgix_subdomains": [
        "type": "sources"
    "jsonapi": {
        "version": "1.0"

Converting a Web Folder Source to an S3 Compatible Source

# Request
PATCH api/v1/sources/source_id
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "name": "sourceName",
      "deployment": {
        "type": "s3_compatible",
        "storage_provider": "$YOUR_STORAGE_PROVIDER",
        "access_key_id": "$YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
        "bucket_name": "$YOUR_BUCKET_NAME",
        "secret_key": "$YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
        "endpoint_url": "$YOUR_ENDPOINT_URL",
        "region": "$YOUR_REGION",
        "imgix_subdomains": ["$YOUR_IMGIX_SUBDOMAIN"]
    "id": "source_id",
    "type": "sources"
  "jsonapi": {
    "version": "1.0"