Getting StartedSetupAccount Setup & Analytics

Account Setup & Analytics

Account Details

Your account information can be accessed by clicking your profile at the top right of the dashboard and clicking Account Details. Here, you can view and manage your account information, such as your name, email, and password. You can also delete your account on this page.

Note that we fetch the account logo from the website you specify in your Account Details. To configure the logo USD in your Imgix dashboard, ensure that the website you specify in your account details has the following meta tag in its HTML:

<meta property="og:logo" content="your_logo.png" />

Plan & Billing

Your billing details can be found by clicking your profile at the top right of the dashboard and clicking Plan & Billing. Here, you can view and manage your billing information and plan type. You can also update your account email and password here.

For more information about billing, see the Billing Overview article.

Changing Your Plan Type

To change your plan type, click on Change Plan on the Plan & Billing page.

From here, you can select the plan type you want going forward.

Once you select a plan type, your card will receive a prorated charge for that month’s usage. You will then be billed the total amount for the new plan on the first of the following month.

Screenshot-Update plan

Adding / Updating a Credit Card

Here’s how to add a credit card to your account.

Step 1

Go to Plan & Billing, click Add A Card.

Screenshot-Add Credit Card

Step 2

In Stripe, enter your credit card information and click Add.

Screenshot-Add Credit Card in Stripe

If you have a “Billing Only” user, you may want to have them do this. To set up a contract and invoicing for your company, please contact Sales.

Adding Additional Users

If your company requires different levels of access based on roles (e.g., engineering and accounts payable), you can set that up for as many people as necessary. User accounts can have as many permissions as you wish. Imgix supports the following permissions:

  • Account Admin: All permissions, including adding and modifying users.
  • Analytics: Access to asset analytics is filterable by Source.
  • Billing: Edit billing information, view and pay invoices.
  • Sources: Create, view, edit, and deploy Imgix Sources.
  • Purge: Remove deleted or out-of-date assets from Imgix caches.
  • Asset Manager Browse: View all content in the Asset Manager.
  • Asset Manager Edit: Edit and upload assets inside the Asset Manager. (Note: This permission implicitly includes Asset Manager Browse.)

To add a user:

  1. Go to the Users section of your account.
  2. Click the “Add User” button and enter a full name and email address.
  3. Select permissions for this user, then hit “Create User.”

Screenshot-add user form

Once you submit the form, the user will receive an email with a link to set up their log in information. The link will expire in 24 hours.

To modify or remove existing users, navigate to your user dashboard and click the settings gear to the right of the user name. From there, you can either Edit Permissions or Delete. It is only possible to modify users other than yourself. You also must have the Account Admin permission enabled for your user account.

Screenshot-modify user

Understanding Analytics

The Analytics section offers usage statistics for your account and Imgix’s service health, which updates every hour. You can use these to gauge your site or app’s monthly usage. For definitions of the terms, click the (?) icons in each section or check out the Glossary.

Here are some basic concepts to understand about Imgix’s analytics and pricing. Some older pricing plans may differ from the descriptions below.

Origin Images vs. Renders

Origin Images are your original assets, stored on your servers or another web host such as Amazon S3. Renders (or derivative images) are the images we deliver to your users after our API parameters are applied via the rendering api. Each unique variation of an image counts as a render, so you should expect to see more renders than Origin Images, given that you may be delivering the same asset with different parameters depending on your user’s context.

Screenshot-Origin images vs renders example

Under our current pricing, we only charge for the Origin Images that are requested and don’t charge for creating derivatives. The counter for Origin Images resets at the beginning of each month, so you should expect to see a spike then as Origin Images are requested for the first time and counted.

Total Bandwidth

Though we don’t charge to create derivative assets, we do charge for the bandwidth necessary to deliver them to your end users (Total Bandwidth) on some pricing plans. This includes the bandwidth to request the derivative asset from Imgix’s rendering engine into the CDN (Render Bandwidth), cache it, and then deliver the derivative from the CDN to the user (CDN Bandwidth). Fetch Bandwidth is tracked on this page but not charged under our current pricing.

Screenshot-Total bandwidth example

Daily vs. Cumulative Stats

We provide two modes for displaying your monthly usage stats so that you have a clear picture of your usage at different levels of granularity: daily totals and day-over-day cumulative totals. Daily stats can show you where you have usage spikes throughout the month (helpful in tracking how your website changes affect usage), and cumulative stats show you the general trend of your usage from the beginning to the end of the month.

Screenshot-Daily vs cumulative stats example

Error calculation

We want only to log actionable errors in your analytics dashboard. As a result, errors are only recorded if the Origin image has been successfully requested at least once. If an original image has never been successfully rendered, we treat it as if it did not exist.

Additionally, we use de-duplication to ensure that the same error is not counted multiple times over a short period. For example, if a user receives a 404 and refreshes or requests the same image 10 times over a 5-minute period, it will only be logged as one error.

For more information on error status codes, see our HTTP status code documentation.

Video Analytics

If video is enabled for your Source, monthly stats for all videos served through Imgix using our Video API will be displayed. Analytics for video is broken down into Total Video Encoded, Total Minutes Encoded, Total Video Delivered, and Total Minutes Delivered.

Screenshot-Video Analytics Example

Downloadable Reports

If you are a Premium account with the Reporting API enabled, you can download a daily usage report in the Reports tab.

Screenshot reporting tab

The report types and examples can be found below:

cdn_logsContains daily logs for requests made to our CDN for your images. Includes information such as referrers, user agents, cache hits/misses per image, and more. Example file

For the referers and user_agent column, blank values indicate that there was no referer or user-agent data sent to Imgix.
image_analyticsContains metrics for each Origin Image accessed that day. Includes the number of requests and errors generated by each Origin Image URL. Example file.
mild_errorsContains data related to 4xx-level errors per image. Example file.
source_analyticsContains cumulative metrics for each Source. Includes information regarding total Origin Images, total bandwidth, average response times, and more. Example file.

Since this report is cumulative, the report generated for July 31 will have Source analytics for that entire month. The report generated for July 15 will have the July Source analytics up to that day.

Other Resources

  • Glossary: Terminology specific to Imgix and content delivery
  • HTTP Status Codes: List of status codes returned when there’s an error processing an asset
  • Guides: Industry best practices related to assets (e.g. SEO, caching)
  • Tutorials: In-depth walkthroughs of how to implement Imgix for specific use cases