Getting StartedSetupAsset ManagerUploadingAmazon S3

Amazon S3 Upload Configuration

Add your S3 upload_credentials

The “Amazon S3 Full Access” policy template for your IAM account is the easiest way to create new S3 credentials for uploading.

  1. Go to your AWS IAM Dashboard.
  2. Click Users on the left navigation.
  3. Click Add User or select an existing user.
  4. If adding a User, give them a User Name.
  5. Click the Next button to be brought to Step #2, Set Permissions.
  6. Select the Attach existing policies directly option.
  7. You will be presented with a list of policy templates. Search “AmazonS3FullAccess”, and check its option checkbox. If you prefer to set your own specific permission policy, see the note below.
  8. Click Next to review your new user.
  9. If everything looks correct, select the Create user button.
  10. Once you’ve created your new user, visit its details page and create a set of access keys under the security credentials tab. These keys will act as your upload_credentials, allowing you to upload images and videos directly to your Source.

Or, if you prefer to set specific permissions, grant the following:

  • ListBucket
  • GetBucketLocation
  • GetObject
  • PutObject

Update your bucket’s CORS configuration

Please update your CORS configuration allowing the PUT method and the Content-Type header from Your bucket’s CORS configuration can be found in the permissions tab of your bucket. See S3 documentation for more information.

  1. Navigate to your S3 Bucket in AWS
  2. Click on the Permissions tab
  3. Scroll down to Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) section
  4. Add the AllowedHeaders, AllowedMethods, and AllowedOrigins properties. If your CORS section in your S3 settings is blank, you can copy the JSON values into your CORS configuration:
    "AllowedHeaders": ["Content-Type"],
    "AllowedMethods": ["PUT"],
    "AllowedOrigins": [""],
    "ExposeHeaders": []